Lineage 2 Top 100

▷ L2Reborn - Lineage 2 Interlude Server x1-x1.5

Site Information
Category: Lineage 2 Top 100
Site Name: ▷ L2Reborn - Lineage 2 Interlude Server x1-x1.5
Site URL:
Date Signed Up: Aug 09, 2019
Gold Member: No
Site Description: Tired of searching L2 servers? Bored of made up customisations that ruined the game? Stop doing the same thing over and over, and try something else for once! We propose a new "Revolutionary" concept, no BOXES, no BOTS, no EVENTS, no UPGRADES, and of course, no P2W. The original and authentic Lineage 2 experience, low rates (1x-1.5x) and the most balanced chronicle, retail Interlude / C6, after this, they ruined the game. The players will have to collaborate with each other (it's called MMORPG for a reason!!) To be able to progress and there are no shortcuts. What do you think? We already have a release date in October, finally a new Lineage 2 server that really returns to the classic, and not the official's trash, full of bots and p2w events. At the moment we have open BETA and we already have more than 150 players. We will keep the progress of all the players, and the ones who collaborate with the testing will receive a reward. At the moment we are giving away free VIP to the first 500 registered. See you at
Active: Yes

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