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---> Click here to Download our files to play as normal. <---
If you wish to build a custom house use this Download to login and build.
After that you must use the other files above to play.
Server kicks you for inactivity.

Everyone should use Orion! If you do not then bad things might happen. 

Shadowrealm will not be responsible for lost or stolen items unless it is a script error.


If you use Razor try this 
Open Razor.exe.config edit these lines

<add key="Shadowrealm" value="" />


Custom Houses are free to place a foundation


You can download Ultima Online Auto Map from here

You may use this as a stand alone or connect with the info below.


You must use Orion or UOAssist to use the UO Auto Map correctly.

1. Unzip the file to a folder of your choice.
2. Start UOAutoMap, press Ctrl+K (or go to the top menu -> Link -> Controls) 
3. Fill in the information:
Name: Your character name on the shard
IP:   Port: 2000
Don't forget that this feature allows other players in the channel to see your location. 


If you wish to use Orion here are thy INSTRUCTIONS: 

1. You need to download the files.
   Install Orion Launcher  <---Install this to connect. I installed Orion's Launcher in my C: directory. I used the 64 version.
Windows defender will pop up just install anyway because windows does not know the language it uses to install.

3. Install the auto updates.
4. After the install make a profile. Make your name and password. Add,2593 for the login

5. You need to tell Orion where the folders are. Set Orion client path where you instaled it. Then the same for Shadowrealm folder.

Click the button configure client version. Open editor in the popup. You will see Client Version Configuration Dialog popup window

pick client version and hit create. Then Goto load and open the Orion Folder find Client.Cuo close popup windows and hit Launch

You will then be teleported to a stone that will give you four skills starting with 65.0. All other skills will be set to 30.0.  If you decide to build

a house you must use the Old School Files. Then you may use Orion again or you can use one of our old fashion houses and forget about it

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«  June 2024  »

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Should we start off with four GM skills?
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Copyright Shadowrealm Nonprofit Organization © 2024