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[Event] [PvP] 3vs3 21th Anniversary Death Tournament

14/5/2024, 23:55 - TauronStaff

Here is the 21th Anniversary tournament
which will take place into the Serpent's Hold Wall

Which team will win the tournament?

More info: here

[Event] Tokuno Event 2024

14/5/2024, 23:53 - TauronStaff

On the occasion of the 21st Anniversary of UODreams, in conjunction with the Xorina Mission event
on 24, 25 and 26 May
The Tokuno Event will be active!

More info: here

[Event] Martian Dreams - The Xorinite Dimension

14/5/2024, 23:51 - TauronStaff

The realm of the wisps in the ethereal void has become unreachable since the Dark Path was corrupted by Batlin's power. Being interdimensional creatures, wisps do not individually possess a great memorization capacity, in fact they often exchange the information acquired during their existence by sending it towards their collective consciousness, called Xorinite!

More info: here

[Event] Xorina Mission 2024

14/5/2024, 23:37 - TauronStaff

The Xorina Event gives you the opportunity to accumulate points, through the delivery of artifacts, to receive truly special prizes!!!
The event is open to everyone and, as usual, both artifacts dropped before the opening of the event and new ones will be deliverable!

In this edition there will be further new prizes
which will be revealed a few days before the opening of the event!!!

More info: here

[NEWS] New Quick Start System

21/4/2024, 13:51 - TauronStaff

To allow new users to integrate better and faster on UODreams, the Quick Start System was created. This system grants those who create a new account or a new character useful benefits for the initial phase of the game.

More info: here

[HS UPDATE] Treasure of Khaldun - Champion of the Cult

21/4/2024, 13:49 - TauronStaff

Implementation of the new content, active only on the Felucca facet, part of the Treasure of Khaldun event. The Champion of the Cult, an additional champion spawn inside the dungeon located in the Lost Lands, new Artifacts and dynamics!

More info: here


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